Advances in Applied Psychology
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Advances in Applied Psychology, Vol.1, No.1, Aug. 2015, Pub. Date: Jul. 10, 2015
Special Training Programs are Necessary to Combat Police Cynicism That Hamper the Success of Community-Centered Policing Efforts
Pages: 1-5 Views: 3759 Downloads: 1259
[01] Renee A. Pistone, Legal Studies Department, Wilmington University, Dover, Delaware, U. S. A..
This article examines the role of occupational cultures and the socialization of the police workgroup as it studies police behavior and cynicism, in particular. Skolnick (1994) discussed the symbolic assailant and the influences of geographic area on police perception of events. While, Haberfeld and Cerrah (2008) highlighted the reasons why strong community-centered policing depends largely on support from community leaders. The setting where policing takes place influences police behavior that fuels cynicism that results in less police discretion. A decrease in police discretion proves harmful to perceptions of police professionalism and will undermine efforts to increase community-centered policing programs. This article chronicles findings in key studies and concludes that training programs are needed to combat the harmful effects from growing police cynicism.
Police Behavior, Discretion, Community
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