Advances in Applied Psychology
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Advances in Applied Psychology, Vol.1, No.2, Oct. 2015, Pub. Date: Aug. 24, 2015
Emotional Intelligence and Personality Stability Among Urban Adolescents in Nigeria
Pages: 135-144 Views: 5567 Downloads: 2272
[01] John N. N. Ugoani, College of Management and Social Sciences, Rhema University, Aba, Abia State, Nigeria.
The study was designed to explore the degree of relationship between emotional intelligence and personality stability among urban adolescents. Emotional intelligence is a psychological concept that deals with human emotions and intervenes for positive behaviours. Personality is an individual difference that lends consistency to a person’s behavior. The humanistic theory emphasizes individual growth and suggests that self-actualizers naturally have stronger emotional intelligence. People struggling to meet lower order needs and arguably even middle order needs tend to have lower emotional intelligence than self-actualizers Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs explain that all needs other than self-actualization are deficiency drivers, which suggests in other words some emotional intelligence development potential or weakness. The Big Five personality theory includes emotional stability which suggests a positive relationship with emotional intelligence. The survey design was used for the study. Prototype questionnaire based on the self-report emotional intelligence scale was used for data collection. The study found very strong positive relationship between emotional intelligence and personality stability.
Emotional Intelligence, Personality Stability, Adolescents, Emotions, Psychological
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