Advances in Applied Psychology
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Advances in Applied Psychology, Vol.2, No.2, Apr. 2016, Pub. Date: Jun. 20, 2016
Misconceptions Regarding Criminal Justice Procedures and Evidence Gathering: A Perspective
Pages: 14-17 Views: 2339 Downloads: 1037
[01] Renee Pistone, Faculty, Humanities Department: College of Arts and Sciences, Kean University, Union, NJ USA.
The media uses wrongful convictions as ways to influence and fuel perceived failings of criminal justice procedures and evidence gathering by the public. More information has been circulated in media television programs that focus on these cases (Amaya, 2010). The average television viewer is now realizing that there are several reasons why innocent people get convicted such as: Eyewitness identification, Forensic Oversight, Access to DNA Testing, Exoneree Compensation, False Confessions and ineffective assistance of counsel. From a historic perspective, eyewitness identification tends to be not as reliable and often leads to wrongful convictions (Wells, Small & Penrod, 1988). These issues within the criminal justice discipline continue to recur. Here, the relevant literature is surveyed in order to provide a forum to generate even more detailed discussions on these timely and important subjects within the discipline to call for meaningful changes.
Eyewitness, Justice System, Media
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