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Advances in Applied Psychology, Vol.3, No.1, Mar. 2018, Pub. Date: Apr. 9, 2018
Personality, Religiosity and Gender Correlates of Self-Assessed Lie and Truth Related Abilities
Pages: 1-9 Views: 1983 Downloads: 1186
Eitan Elaad, Department of Psychology and Behavioral Sciences, Ariel University, Ariel, Israel.
This study examined the predictions of personality dimensions on self-assessed communication abilities to tell and detect lies, tell truths, and believe others. Eighty people from a religious Jewish community (41 females and 39 males), and eighty secular Israelis (40 females and 40 males), were asked to evaluate their lie-truth related abilities relative to others and completed the Big Five personality inventory (BFI). It was found that lower levels of Agreeableness and lower levels of Neuroticism contributed to lie-telling ability assessments. Lower levels of Agreeableness predicted lie-detection and truth telling ability ratings. Believing was driven by higher levels of Agreeableness. Results further indicated that participants overestimated their truth-telling and believing abilities. Secular but not religious participants overestimated their lie-telling and lie-detection abilities, too. Religious male and female participants underestimated their lie-telling abilities. Secular males rated their lie-telling ability higher than secular females. The results were explained, and possible implications were discussed.
Big-Five, Self-Assessed Lying Abilities, Truths, Religiosity, Gender
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