Advances in Applied Psychology
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Advances in Applied Psychology, Vol.3, No.3, Sep. 2018, Pub. Date: Aug. 10, 2018
The Effects of Moderate Exercise on Depressive Symptoms
Pages: 34-37 Views: 1558 Downloads: 384
[01] Anthony Rosselli, Department of Health and Human Performance, Texas A & M University-Commerce, Commerce, United States.
[02] Steve Prewitt, Department of Health and Human Performance, Texas A & M University-Commerce, Commerce, United States.
[03] Dean Culpepper, Department of Health and Human Performance, Texas A & M University-Commerce, Commerce, United States.
Mood-state depression affects nearly everyone on a daily basis. These daily “ups” and “downs” can last for a minute or days in some cases. These moods can influence the way information is processed and can affect performance. The purpose of this study was to investigate potential changes in an individual’s perceived mood-state depression after acute aerobic exercise. Sixty-eight participants (females=39) completed the study. Individuals who were moderately depressed improved their mood after five minutes of acute exercise. There is a high likelihood that individuals will experience a depressed mood, and a short bout of moderate physical activity is a way to decrease symptoms of depression and increase overall physical activity
Exercise, Depression, Mood
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