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Advances in Applied Psychology, Vol.4, No.1, Mar. 2021, Pub. Date: May 31, 2021
Burnout Among Medical Students of Manipal University College Malaysia During COVID-19 Pandemic
Pages: 1-14 Views: 1272 Downloads: 249
Thana Raj a/l Dhava, Faculty of Medicine, Manipal University College Malaysia, Manipal Academy of Higher Education (MAHE), Melaka, Malaysia.
Juycintha Presha Amuthan, Faculty of Medicine, Manipal University College Malaysia, Manipal Academy of Higher Education (MAHE), Melaka, Malaysia.
Nisanthi a/p Poonimooty, Faculty of Medicine, Manipal University College Malaysia, Manipal Academy of Higher Education (MAHE), Melaka, Malaysia.
Abid Ahmed Faleel, Faculty of Medicine, Manipal University College Malaysia, Manipal Academy of Higher Education (MAHE), Melaka, Malaysia.
Rachneet Kaur a/p Gurdial Singh, Faculty of Medicine, Manipal University College Malaysia, Manipal Academy of Higher Education (MAHE), Melaka, Malaysia.
The ongoing pandemic, adversely has affected the social life, mental and physical health of a person which may eventually cause stress leading to burnout. In this case, medical education is one of the stressful fields and with this pandemic it could more likely engender burnout among medical students. This study was aimed to determine burnout among medical students of Manipal University College Malaysia (MUCM) during this Covid-19 pandemic and measure its association with sociodemographic characteristics, current living situation and involvement in extracurricular activities. A cross-sectional study was conducted among medical students of MUCM, Malaysia from March 2021 to April 2021. Data was collected by distributing an online questionnaire via google form link. Questionnaire comprises of two parts, part 1 being the demographic profile and part 2 consisting the burnout questions of Copenhagen Burnout Inventory. Statistical test such as unpaired T-test and ANOVA were used using Epi-Info software Out of 162 students who had participated, 64.20% were clinical students and 35.80% were pre-clinical students. Our study discovered a total burnout score of 80.17, which shows majority of the students are likely to be having burnout. In which, personal burnout score turned out to be 20.99, colleagues related burnout had a mean score of 16.19, studies related burnout had a mean score of 25.02 and 17.96 for teachers related burnout. We have also found significant association between age, nationality, phase of studies, current living situation and teachers related burnouts. However, we did not come across any significant association between age, gender, ethnicity, nationality, phase of studies, family income, financial constraints, educational financial aid, current living situation, extracurricular activities such as exercise or yoga and studies related burnouts. In conclusion, significant number of medical students are suffering from burnouts, majority of them were those in clinical phase of studies. Therefore, necessary measures have to be taken in a way of preventing burnouts and avoiding unwanted consequences in the future.
Burnouts, Medical Student, Malaysia, COVID-19 Pandemic, Cross-sectional Study
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