Advances in Applied Psychology
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Advances in Applied Psychology, Vol.4, No.2, Jun. 2021, Pub. Date: Jun. 29, 2021
Tolerance of Uncertainty and Fear of Making Mistakes Among Clinical Year Medical Students: A Cross Sectional Study
Pages: 24-36 Views: 1222 Downloads: 275
[01] Ang Jia You, Faculty of Medicine, Manipal University College Malaysia, Manipal Academy of Higher Education (MAHE), Melaka, Malaysia.
[02] Najihah Binti Mohamad Shajhan, Faculty of Medicine, Manipal University College Malaysia, Manipal Academy of Higher Education (MAHE), Melaka, Malaysia.
[03] Sharvveen Paskaran, Faculty of Medicine, Manipal University College Malaysia, Manipal Academy of Higher Education (MAHE), Melaka, Malaysia.
[04] Lavnea Ramis, Faculty of Medicine, Manipal University College Malaysia, Manipal Academy of Higher Education (MAHE), Melaka, Malaysia.
[05] Aminath Sheeneez, Faculty of Medicine, Manipal University College Malaysia, Manipal Academy of Higher Education (MAHE), Melaka, Malaysia.
Medical students go through self-doubt and uncertainties every single day. We have been in these positions personally, experiencing fear and second guessing. The study was aimed to understand how most medical students think in these situations and how much they were able to get through it, also what factors led these medical students to second guess themselves, such as gender, family background, clinical training and the awareness of medical negligence. A cross sectional study was conducted among the clinical phase medical students of Manipal University College Malaysia. An online questionnaire was distributed and a total of 126 participants responded. The data was statistically analyzed using Epi Info version The independent and dependent variables were all calculated with frequency and percentage, and Chi Square Test was chosen to study the associations between them. Odds Ratio was also calculated to explore the associations between the independent variables and tolerance of uncertainty along with fear of making mistakes among clinical year medical students. Findings revealed that the number of students tolerating uncertainty quite well were about 70 (55.6%) compared to tolerating uncertainty poorly which was 51 (40.5%). 5 students were found tolerating uncertainty well (4.0%). Students who belong to a low socioeconomic status were found to be 5.38 times more likely to tolerate uncertainty poorly as compared to those from a high socioeconomic status family (95% C1 for OR 1.70-17.06; P-value 0.003). It was also observed that students from a moderate socioeconomic status family were 2.93 times more likely to tolerate uncertainty poorly than those from a high socioeconomic status family (95% CI for OR 1.31 to 6.57; P-value: 0.008). All other variables were found to be insignificant. In summary it was seen that students coming from low or moderate socioeconomic backgrounds were more likely to tolerate uncertainty poorly compared to others. While we assume that most of these students have a fear of making mistakes when carrying out their doctor work, most of them were willing to acknowledge the mistakes made by providing an explanation to their patients, supervisor and their working community rather than trying to hide their mistakes. Our future medical care and efficiency is dependent on these medical students, further studies are needed to help medical students overcome their tolerance of uncertainty and fear of making mistakes.
Tolerance of Uncertainty, Fear of Making Mistakes, Clinical Year Medical Students, Cross-Sectional Study, Malaysia
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