American Journal of Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery
Articles Information
American Journal of Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery, Vol.2, No.1, Jan. 2016, Pub. Date: Jan. 18, 2016
Giant Cervico-Dorsal Spine Ectopic Intradural Schwannoma Placed Dorsally Without Attachment to the Nerve Root: Review of Literature
Pages: 22-24 Views: 2372 Downloads: 1039
[01] Guru Dutta Satyarthee, The Department of Neurosurgery, All India Institute of Medical sciences, New Delhi, India.
[02] Shikha Satyarthee, The Department of Neurosurgery, All India Institute of Medical sciences, New Delhi, India.
Spinal intradural schwannoma without attachment to the spinal nerve root is very rare. About six such cases of extra-axial schwannoma without attachment to nerve roots were reported in the literature. Author reports an interesting case of giant cervico-dorsal intradural schwannoma, which was neither attached to the spinal nerve roots nor to the dura or spinal cord observed during the surgery. Patient had unremarkable recovery following the surgery. To the best knowledge of the authors, current case is the second cases describing giant sized cervico-dorsal schwanoma located dorsal to spinal cord in the western literature till date. Briefly pathogenesis, management is reviewed.
Giant Cystic Schwannoma, Cervico-Dorsal, Management, Attachment, Ectopic
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