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American Journal of Environment and Sustainable Development, Vol.1, No.1, Dec. 2016, Pub. Date: Jun. 17, 2016
Factors Associated with the Suicidal Tsunami as a Mental Illness: Findings from an Epidemiological Study
Pages: 1-5 Views: 2681 Downloads: 814
M. Kamruzzaman, School of Victimology and Restorative Justice, Institute of Social Welfare and Research, University of Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh; School of Criminology and Police Science, Mawlana Bhashani Science and Technology University, Tangail, Bangladesh; SchoolofLaw, National University, Gazipur, Bangladesh.
M. A. Hakim, School of Food Technology and Nutritional Science, Mawlana Bhashani Science and Technology University, Tangail, Bangladesh.
Suicide is the act of intentionally causing one’s own death. There are multi-dimensional socio ecological risk factors in the occurrence of suicide, the form of non-natural death on the earth. The country Bangladesh by name, a South Asian developing country is taken on consideration to search out the factors to cause suicidal Tsunami avoiding jeering at the suicide happening. This cross sectional study revealed that 42.3% of suicidal victims belonged to the age group18 to 27years. It is found that most of them were married (74.6%) coming 74.6% from nuclear families. About 40.8% victims were up to the PSC level education achievers to contribute 38% household workers. Most of the victims (69%) were from rural areas and the study also showed that most of the incidents i.e., 21.1% occurred at midnight, 19.7% at day and 12.7% at night while maximum 46.5% victims used the process of hanging, 33.8% poisoning and 9.9% giving body under train. Most of the people (31%) committed suicide for conjugal life conflict, 16.9% for family conflicts, 14.1% for economic crisis and 9.9% for love related matter.
Suicidal Tsunami, Socio Ecological Factors, Epidemiological Study, Suicidal Victims, Bangladesh
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