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American Journal of Environment and Sustainable Development, Vol.2, No.1, Mar. 2017, Pub. Date: Jun. 15, 2017
Water Quality Classification of the Karaj River Based on a Biological Index
Pages: 11-15 Views: 2257 Downloads: 1132
Seyed Hadi Khatami, Division of Human Environment, Department of the Environment, Bureau of Environmental Impact Assessment, Tehran, Iran.
The Karaj River is one of the most important rivers in Iran that provide potable water for Tehran City. The purpose of this study was to determine the water quality of the Karaj River based on the BMWP biotic index along the river from Gachsar village to the Amirkabir Dam. Four Phyla, 4 Classes, 4 Orders and 21 Families of macro-invertebrates were identified via the collected samples. There was a significant difference (P=0.03; n=4) between the BMPW indices recoreded during summer and autumn. This could be due to decreasing chanel size and differences in the discharge of pollutants between the two seasons. The result of cluster analysis showed three distinct groups of sites. The results of the biological survey showed that, although the quality of the water is influenced is pollution, the impact is not at the level that could seriously the use of the river water for potable consumption.
Karaj River, Macro-Invertebrates, Biological Monitoring Working Party (BMWP) Index
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