American Journal of Environment and Sustainable Development
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American Journal of Environment and Sustainable Development, Vol.3, No.2, Jun. 2018, Pub. Date: Jul. 20, 2018
Ambient Air Quality Index During Fire Incidence at Various Localities around Bhanpur Khanty, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India
Pages: 20-28 Views: 1782 Downloads: 509
[01] Achyutanand Mishra, Central Laboratory, Madhya Pradesh Pollution Control Board, Bhopal, India.
A large part of Bhopal city of Madhya Pradesh, India was badly affected on 30th January 2018 (Tuesday) due to a massive fire in Municipal Solid Waste Dump Site, Bhanpur Khanty. Large number of people residing at various localities woke up coughing with choked throats due to the effect of smoke that rose from a seething fire in Bhanpur Khanty landfill that emitted smoke. This episodal study assesses the Ambient Air Quality Index at various localities around Bhanpur Khanty, Bhopal M. P. India. For study purpose, nine localities around Bhanpur Khanty, Bhopal were selected for ambient air monitoring and Particulate matter (less than 10) or PM10, Particulate matter (less than 2.5) or PM2.5, Oxides of Nitrogen (NOX), Sulphur dioxide (SO2), Carbon Mono Oxide (CO), Volatile Organic Carbon (VOC) and Methane were analysed. Air Quality Index [AQI] ranges between severe to moderate levels during day 1 of the monitoring, i.e. 1st to 2nd February, 2018. Significant reduction was observed in Air Quality Index [AQI] from 4th February to 8th February, 2018 and it was observed that after 8th February 2018 ambient Air Quality Index was moderate at all monitoring locations.
Ambient Air Pollution, NOx, SO2, PM10, PM2.5, CO, Methane, Air Quality Index
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