American Journal of Environment and Sustainable Development
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American Journal of Environment and Sustainable Development, Vol.4, No.1, Mar. 2019, Pub. Date: Mar. 5, 2019
Advances in Liquid Desiccant Integrated Dehumidification and Cooling Systems
Pages: 6-11 Views: 1554 Downloads: 1048
[01] Jani Dilip Batukray, Department of Mechanical Engineering, GEC-Dahod, Gujarat Technological University (GTU), Ahmedabad, India.
The limitations of vapor compression based conventional systems in terms of substantial energy requirement for its running and environment pollution can arise the need of alternative cooling technology which is not only energy efficient but should be environmental friendly as well. Desiccant cooling is a suitable and cost-effective alternative which provides better thermal comfort conditions. This technology is cost effective, energy efficient, and eco-friendly. It will decrease the dependence on primary energy by an effective utilization of alternative, clean, free, and abundant sources of energy. The desiccant cooling is a thermally operated technology and is mostly used for dehumidification and cooling applications. Desiccant systems can either ant material used. The use of liquid desiccant material is advantageous as these can be regenerated at a lower temperature (60–75°C), which makes the use of low-grade thermal energy resources more feasible. In the present article liquid desiccant cooling systems have been discussed from the prospectus of its recent advancement, future research and development work needed. The pros and cons of the technology have also been discussed in the present work.
COP, Desiccant Cooling, Dehumidifier, Regeneration
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