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American Journal of Environment and Sustainable Development, Vol.5, No.1, Mar. 2020, Pub. Date: Apr. 7, 2020
Community Participation and Management of Available Potable Water Sources in the Gadi Township in the Wa West District of Ghana
Pages: 12-23 Views: 1363 Downloads: 549
Ignatius Joseph Obeng, Social Studies Education Department, Faculty of Social Sciences Education, University of Education, Winneba, Ghana.
Dramani Iddrisu, Social Studies Education Department, Faculty of Social Sciences Education, University of Education, Winneba, Ghana.
Isaac Eshun, Social Studies Education Department, Faculty of Social Sciences Education, University of Education, Winneba, Ghana.
The purpose of the study was to explore community participation and the management of potable water in the Gadi township in the Wa-West District of the Upper West Region of Ghana. The study was geared towards ascertaining the involvement of community members towards the management of water resources. Qualitative approach, with case study design was employed in the study. The main objectives were to: assess how the existing water sources are being managed; and to examine the mechanisms used in promoting community participation in the existing potable water supply in the Gadi Township. The sample size of the study was seventy-two respondents comprising sixty residents, twenty from each of the three communities, three opinion leaders from each of the three communities as well as three officials from the Wa West District Assembly. Interview guide was the main research instrument used for data collection. The study was complemented Focus Group Discussion (FGD) for six to eight membership specifically one from each of the three communities. Purposive sampling technique, which is non-probability sampling technique, was used to select the key informants from the Water Management Board of the district level and from Gadi, Chogsia and Gbaalwob communities who were knowledgeable and responsible for developmental issues and water resources management in their respective areas of work. The study revealed that the existing boreholes in the study communities were not enough to adequately meet the potable water needs of the people which the community members were unanimous about. The people were, therefore, forced to resort to drinking water from dams and rivers anytime a borehole breaks until it is repaired. This exposes the people, particularly children to water-borne ailments. In managing these existing facilities, the community members instituted monthly household or individual contributions to provide funds for repair and maintenance of broken-down borehole facilities. Based on the findings of the study, it is recommended that boreholes should be mechanised and commercialised. Among other water facilities, one borehole in each community should be mechanised and the operation commercialised as well. The mechanisation will ensure larger distribution of water from one borehole site to enable many people obtain enough water for their needs. Also, the government through the District Assembly, should build dams in the community to provide enough water for their activities such as livestock, building, washing, dry season farming and other-related domestic activities. This will reduce the pressure on boreholes for water for such activities and make the facilities more sustainable.
Community Participation, Ghana, Management, Participation, Potable Water, Wa West District, Upper West Region
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