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American Journal of Environment and Sustainable Development, Vol.5, No.1, Mar. 2020, Pub. Date: Feb. 20, 2020
Assessment of Heavy Metal Distribution and Concentration in Mining Sites (Du and Zawan) in Jos, Nigeria
Pages: 6-11 Views: 1381 Downloads: 357
Agboola Christianah Kemi, Department of Chemistry, Federal University of Technology, Akure, Nigeria.
Abata Emmanuel Orimisan, Department of Chemistry, Federal University of Technology, Akure, Nigeria.
Ogunyemi Olusayo Joseph, Department of Chemistry, Federal University of Technology, Akure, Nigeria.
Adebayo Albert Ojo, Department of Chemistry, Federal University of Technology, Akure, Nigeria.
Many human activities have led to the release of different environmental challenges and these challenges have direct or indirect contact with man which has deteriorating effects on all living organisms. Mining activities, though a process involving a natural deposit yet it gives rise to the non-biodegradable nature of heavy metals which persist for a long time in soil and interfere with normal metabolic activities of the living organism. Mining activities have to do with extraction, beneficiation, and processing of minerals. The purpose of this study was to assess the concentration of heavy metals in abandoned mined sites around Du and Zawan in Jos South local government. A total of 30 soil samples were collected from the site at depth 0 to 15cm and two (2) common plant produce were collected for this study. The samples were subjected to standard methods for pH determination, soil electrode potential, Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC), sequential extraction analysis and the heavy metals were analysed using an Atomic absorption spectrophotometer. The statistical analyses were conducted using one-way analysis of variance. The pH of the Du and Zuwan site is 5.33±0.09 and 5.43±0.02. CEC of the soil samples in Du and Zawan is 6.31±0.11 and 6.47±0.10 respectively. The soil electrode potential and the pH shows the soil carbon persistence and gives information on the presence of chemical compounds needed by the soil for growth, especially in most organic soil and this was observed to be lower in Du and Zawan when compared to the control site.
Heavy Metals, Contamination, pH, Concentration, and Mining Sites
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