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American Journal of Environment and Sustainable Development, Vol.5, No.3, Sep. 2020, Pub. Date: Aug. 18, 2020
Role of Local Community in Gishwati Forest Reserve Rehabilitation and Its Implication on Local Community Livelihood
Pages: 43-51 Views: 1514 Downloads: 317
Johnson Uwemeye, University of Lay Adventists of Kigali, Rwanda (UNILAK), Kigali, Rwanda.
Martin Vincent Nsanzumukiza, University of Lay Adventists of Kigali, Rwanda (UNILAK), Kigali, Rwanda.
Abias Maniragaba, University of Lay Adventists of Kigali, Rwanda (UNILAK), Kigali, Rwanda.
Thierry Ndaruhutse, University of Lay Adventists of Kigali, Rwanda (UNILAK), Kigali, Rwanda.
Luc Cimusa Kulimushi, University of Lay Adventists of Kigali, Rwanda (UNILAK), Kigali, Rwanda.
Emmanuel Harera, University of Lay Adventists of Kigali, Rwanda (UNILAK), Kigali, Rwanda.
Jean Claude Mucyo, University of Lay Adventists of Kigali, Rwanda (UNILAK), Kigali, Rwanda.
The main objective of this study was to assess the role of local community in Gishwati Forest Rehabilitation and its implication on local community livelihood. This study was conducted in Rutsiro District which is located in Western Province. Findings, showed that most of the local people they were not interested about the rehabilitation of Gishwati Forest Reserve because they don’t gain a lot in the process and they are not consulted as one of the stakeholders. They showed the challenges faced by local communities in the forest rehabilitation and the main one was the poverty. Also, it showed the land cover, land use of the forest and forest change since 1986 to 2019. In addition, findings showed the impacts of forest rehabilitation on community livelihoods, according to the results negative impacts are many compared to positive impacts. Suggested solutions to overcome the mentioned challenges were: to improve local community livelihood, to be consulted before implementing any project concerning them, to give them trainings. As recommendation, the planning of forestry related programs or projects; the local community should play a big role by giving out their ideas on how they think it can be done and alternative sources of income of local community have to be planned because rehabilitation process halt their livelihood.
Forest Rehabilitation, Gishwati Forest Reserve, Local Community, Livelihood
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