American Journal of Environment and Sustainable Development
Articles Information
American Journal of Environment and Sustainable Development, Vol.6, No.2, Jun. 2021, Pub. Date: Jun. 29, 2021
Management of Solid Domestic Waste in Some Municipalities of the City of Kinshasa: Stakes and Perspectives
Pages: 54-64 Views: 1164 Downloads: 260
[01] Kiasota Kutibisaku Hugues, Department of Environmental Management and Sanitation, Faculty of Sciences and Technics of Development, Institute Faculty of Development (IFAD), Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).
[02] Lumanisha Kashala Ali, Department of Project Management-Administration, Faculty of Development Sciences and Techniques, Faculty Development Institute (IFAD), Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).
The present study on the management of solid household waste in some municipalities of Kinshasa city relates respectively to the establishment of the sector and chain of solid household waste management and also to the consideration of the economic opportunities that can offer the sector of waste in terms of energy and raw materials. The challenges remain significant, as the resources of decentralized entities remain constrained and limited, as their funding base is reduced. State subsidy funding, which is often necessary to supplement limited local resources, cannot, moreover, be regarded as a sustainable solution. Factors influencing the presence of waste in the municipalities surveyed include the inadequacy of waste management concepts, an understanding of the concept of waste and a lack of environmental protection education. Thus, to protect and improve the living environment, recovery must be integrated into the waste management chain. The concept of the sector, which makes it possible to integrate the various actors and to reason throughout the value chain, is not yet sufficiently developed in these municipalities. Therefore, the sustainable management of solid waste requires the reconciliation of perfect knowledge about solid waste and values in accordance with the logic of "R". Under the law, sanitation operations in the municipalities surveyed are initiated, decided and organized by the central and provincial authorities. These operations have concurrent jurisdiction between the central power and the provinces. The biggest obstacles in the implementation of these sanitation operations are institutional, material, financial and cultural.
Domestic Strong Garbage, Lasting Management of the Garbage, Waste Management, Environment, Purification
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