American Journal of Environment and Sustainable Development
Articles Information
American Journal of Environment and Sustainable Development, Vol.6, No.3, Sep. 2021, Pub. Date: Sep. 21, 2021
Impact of Management Practices on the Sustainability of (IDP) Model Villages in Rwanda: Case of Rweru Sector Bugesera District
Pages: 107-117 Views: 1172 Downloads: 1444
[01] Frank Rutehenda, Department of Environmental Economics and Natural Resources Management, Faculty of Environmental Studies, University of Lay Adventists of Kigali, Kigali, Rwanda.
[02] Abias Maniragaba, Department of Environmental Economics and Natural Resources Management, Faculty of Environmental Studies, University of Lay Adventists of Kigali, Kigali, Rwanda.
The objective of this background paper is to review the Impact of Management Practices on the Sustainability of the Integrated Development Programme (IDP) model villages in Rwanda that cover the last 21 years from 2006 to 2021. The paper looks at the difficulties that the approach encountered and lessons learnt to sustain the integrated development model villages in Rwanda. The paper looks at the different approaches that have evolved since 2006 to support Rwandans both in rural and urban areas towards the implementation of the IDP model and how the model villages have been incorporated in the design and implementation of the resettlement plans in Rwanda, However, the findings were; there has been a rapid increase in household biomass energy consumption which has been occurring recently in the study area. This involved critical shortage or total lack in some cases of other energy alternatives. Biomass (firewood & charcoal) remains practically the only source for cooking for many years to come as electricity will remain too expensive in the medium future. It has been observed that sewages are poorly disposed of and the impacts of untreated sewage and wastewater cause risks to humans by causing water-borne disease. Also, the level of the private sector in upgrading unplanned settlements and resettling people living in high-risk zones with poor environmental conditions are not reflected and thus the sustainability of the model villages is will not be achieved. This paper finally answered that management practices are partially applied to the IDP model villages in Rwanda and a need to sustainably manage them is needed by either, raising the level of private-sector resource mobilization for urbanization and the rural settlement calls for devising innovative ways for partnership with the private sector by ensuring that capacities and mechanisms to tap into urban finances from the private sector or designing programs and projects to support their functionality as a means of putting much emphasis to cater for them by transforming Rwanda into an urbanized country as per the National Strategy for Transformation NST1 (2018-2024).
Management Practices, Sustainability, IDP Model Villages
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