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American Journal of Microbiology and Immunology, Vol.2, No.1, Jan. 2017, Pub. Date: Feb. 28, 2017
Structure and Function of Disease Resistance Proteins in Plants
Pages: 1-6 Views: 3477 Downloads: 1135
Adane Gebeyehu Demissie, National Agricultural Biotechnology Research Center, Ethiopia.
Resistance proteins are the most effective weapons of plants against pathogen invasion since they can recognize the corresponding pathogen effectors or associated proteins to activate plant immune response. Up to date, greater than seventy resistance proteins have been identified from different plant species. Most resistance proteins contain conserved domains such as the nucleotide-binding sites, the leucine-rich repeat, the coiled-coil domain and others. These domains play significant roles in resistance proteins interaction with effector proteins from pathogens and inactivating signals involved in innate immunity. This review highlights illuminating the structure and function of the isolated plant resistance proteins in different plant-pathogen interaction systems.
Plant Disease, Resistance Proteins, Defense Response
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