American Journal of Marketing Research
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American Journal of Marketing Research, Vol.5, No.4, Dec. 2019, Pub. Date: Dec. 24, 2019
Management by Emotional Intelligence and Why It Matters in Organizational Excellence
Pages: 42-53 Views: 1263 Downloads: 748
[01] John Nkeobuna Nnah Ugoani, Department of Management Sciences, College of Management and Social Sciences, Rhema University, Aba, Nigeria.
Emotional intelligence is composed of factors that are critical to organizational excellence. It influences positive behavior and results to organizational success often measured by productivity, profitability, stability and sustainability. Every organization has its own invisible nervous system of connection and influence, and when organizational leaders value the perspectives of people of diverse backgrounds, such can lead to organizational learning that boosts competitiveness and organizational performance. For example, political awareness is necessary to performance because it helps management to accurately read and understand key power relationships, and the forces that shape views and actions of clients, customers, or competitors, as well as reading and accurately understanding internal and external realities. Managing for organizational excellence requires the mastery of internal pressures such as task demands, interpersonal relationships, organizational structures and arrangements, work conditions, management styles and behaviours and the need for the allocative efficiency of scarce resources. 210 respondents participated in the study conducted through the exploratory research design. Data were analyzed through descriptive and regression statistical methods and it was found that emotional intelligence explains organizational excellence. The study was not exhaustive due to limitations; therefore further study could examine the relationship between strategic management and public governance to see if it will help in finding a solution to the prevailing poor public governance quagmire in developing countries. It was suggested that to achieve organizational excellence organizations need managers who are qualified and competent to drive the organizations towards the paths of success and sustainability.
MBEI, Organizational Leadership, Stochastically Certain, Self-awareness, Emotional Perspectives, Excellence Theory, Political Awareness, Leadership Development Programmes
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