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American Journal of Psychology and Cognitive Science, Vol.1, No.1, Apr. 2015, Pub. Date: Apr. 2, 2015
Differential Effectiveness of Three Therapeutic Packages in Fostering Adolescents’ Intrapersonal Relationship
Pages: 6-14 Views: 4721 Downloads: 1588
Ayodele Kolawole Olanrewaju, Research and International Cooperation, Babcock University Ilishan, Ogun State.
This study investigated the effect of Enhanced Thinking Skills, Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy and Social Skills programs in fostering intrapersonal relationship among Nigerian adolescents. A quasi experimental research design of 3x2x2 factorial matrix type was used for this study. The study participants were 216 Senior Secondary 1 and 2 students randomly selected from 3 coeducational secondary schools from three different Local Government Areas in Remo educational block of Ogun State, Nigeria. Two standardized instrument was used in collecting data while analysis of covariance was used to analyze the generated data. Results show that all the treatment packages (F (2,212) = 7.089; p = .005) were effective in improving adolescents’ intrapersonal relationship while REBT was found to be most effective. Based on the findings; it was recommended that the treatment packages could be used as veritable tools in equipping adolescents with necessary skills to help the youths live a worthy life.
Enhanced Thinking Skills, Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy, Social Skills, Intrapersonal Relationship, Adolescents
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