American Journal of Social Science Research
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American Journal of Social Science Research, Vol.1, No.1, Apr. 2015, Pub. Date: Mar. 28, 2015
Areas of Youth Involvement in Smuggling and Supporting Social Systems: A Sociological Exploration of Badagry-Seme and Owode-Idiroko in Nigeria
Pages: 21-37 Views: 5758 Downloads: 2248
[01] Matthias Olufemi Dada Ojo, Department of Sociology, Crawford University of the Apostolic Faith Mission Igbesa, Ogun State, Nigeria.
This study critically examined the areas of youth involvement in smuggling and the supporting networks. It utilized survey design and qualitative method was used. Fifty (50) youth smugglers were sampled, using snowballing sampling method. In-depth Interview was conducted to gather data and information from the youths studied. The data and information were content analyzed. Actor-Network Theory was used to anchor the study. The study identified eleven (11) principal areas of youth involvement in smuggling as discussed in this paper and wives, parents, community people and corrupt customs officers were signified as supporting networks. It is concluded that smuggling in Nigeria has become more sophisticated, specialized and well departmentalized. Furthermore, the supporting networks received by the youth smugglers from the family members, community people and corrupt customs officers were ones making the control of smuggling difficult in Nigeria. The study’s recommendations were discussed as ways out of the problem of smuggling in Nigeria.
Youths, Smuggling, Areas, Networks and Government
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