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American Journal of Social Science Research, Vol.3, No.1, Feb. 2017, Pub. Date: Aug. 8, 2017
Facilitating Internships at a Distance: A Comparison of Student Responses
Pages: 1-8 Views: 1957 Downloads: 1014
Michael Thomas Eskey, Criminal Justice Administration, Park University, Parkville, Missouri, USA.
Internships have become an important learning experience to the majority of criminal justice programs. Internships can provide valuable information for a criminal justice department. Information can be gathered about the individual performance of your students by an outside professional when your students are close to graduation. This can be especially helpful for the department program assessment. With the increase in online courses, proper supervision by a full-time faculty member can be accomplished without face-to-face or telephone contact. This paper presents an assessment of the system created at Park University and used for facilitation of criminal justice internships at its multiple campuses. Documents and processes actually used will be provided. Additionally, feedback from student interns will be displayed to help evaluate the internship process.
Capstone, Internships, Criminal Justice, Distance Education, University Students Employment, Vocational Training
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