American Journal of Social Science Research
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American Journal of Social Science Research, Vol.4, No.4, Dec. 2018, Pub. Date: Dec. 21, 2018
School Board and Participation of the Parents: Critical Analysis of the Some Experiencing Cases Across-Countries
Pages: 84-97 Views: 1689 Downloads: 523
[01] Corneille Luboya Tshiunza, Department of Educational Economy and Management, Central China Normal University, Wuhan, China; Departmentof of Administration and Management of Educational Institutions and Training Centers, National Pedagogical University, Kinshasa, RD Congo.
Many school board reforms are initiated and implemented in order to improve the school performance and parental participation in school governance. Many studies on evaluation of these school governance reforms showed no only the moderate effect but also some challenges which affected negatively the effectiveness of school board operations in many countries. The objective of this theoretical analysis is to analyze critically the evidence of some challenges facing the school boards operations through the participation of parents in school boards across-countries. On this, the study used the documentary research and analysis. Using the evidences of the studies conducted in Africa, Europa, and America, the study showed the practices of school boards and participation of the parents in the school governance bodies. It emphasized less participation and involvement of parents and the frequent conflicts between the members of these structures of the school governance. The study supposes that solving the challenges of the school boards operations could reinforce quality of implementation of school governance reform through the governance system of school boards and improve the school performances. The study proposed the perspective for an “effective, useful, transparent and peaceful school board”.
School Board, Participation, Responsibility, Actor of School Board
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