American Journal of Social Science Research
Articles Information
American Journal of Social Science Research, Vol.4, No.3, Sep. 2018, Pub. Date: Aug. 31, 2018
An Assessment of the Effectiveness of Small Scale Entrepreneurs in a Developing Economy
Pages: 69-75 Views: 25775 Downloads: 530
[01] Jonathan Adedayo Odukoya, Department of Psychology, Covenant University, Ota, Nigeria.
[02] Maria-Stella Chukwudiebele Odafe, Department of Psychology, Covenant University, Ota, Nigeria.
Attaining and maintaining leadership in any field of human endeavour requires regular valid measurement and evaluation. The core objective of this study, therefore, was to develop and attempt preliminary validation of the Covenant Entrepreneurial Effectiveness Scale [CEES], a monitoring device for entrepreneurs. The CEES was based on Schumpeter’s and Leibenstein’s theories of entrepreneurship. One hundred and ninety-four (194) small scale entrepreneurs were randomly sampled from Ado-Odo local government area in Ogun State, Nigeria. The responses to the CEES were analysed with Cronbach alpha, Guttman Split-half, Spearman-Brown coefficients and independent student t-test. The results showed that the CEES has significant internal consistency reliability (0.755), split-half reliability (0.742) and discriminant validities for entrepreneurs who were differentiated on annual profit (t=3.432, p=0.001). It was recommended that the CEES be administered on SMEs in other parts of the globe to ascertain its reliability and validity for regular monitoring, to catalyse entrepreneurial leadership.
Entrepreneur, Effectiveness, Assessment, Monitoring, Evaluation
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