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American Journal of Social Science Research, Vol.7, No.3, Sep. 2021, Pub. Date: Oct. 15, 2021
Eroticism Framework: How to Approach This Mysterious Construct from Both a Concept-based View and a Theoretical-based Perspective
Pages: 62-79 Views: 1293 Downloads: 372
Marc Paternot, Department of Marketing, Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz, Germany.
Eroticism, due to its mysterious, abstract and at first sight sexual meanings, has a controversial renown. Still, it is omnipresent in personal relationships, with almost a universal reach, even though eroticism is lived or understood differently according to cultural specificities. This article presents an intelligible and precise understanding of the construct. Eroticism happens to be related to 57 words, which underscores its versatile and far-reaching significance. The current literature on eroticism highlights mostly typologies and definitions. A more scientific stance is broadly missing. A dual methodological approach based on a construct-based view and a theoretical-based view has been chosen. An extensive literature review from different fields, including sociology, literature, sexology, biology, religion, psychology, anthropology, philosophy, architecture, marketing and art, has helped to conceptualize eroticism into 11 sub-constructs and introduced its interrelationships with 9 major theories. The resulting conceptual and theoretical frameworks were then combined to form the “Eroticism overarching framework”, which constitutes a synthesis of what eroticism is about as well as what it signifies for oneself and towards others. This new state of knowledge should ignite further research in the field of quantitative measurement of the construct to grasp its multifaceted and complex characteristics. Eroticism has still to be discovered in a scientific way.
Eroticism, Construct Framework, Construct Dimensions
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