American Journal of Social Science Research
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American Journal of Social Science Research, Vol.1, No.4, Oct. 2015, Pub. Date: Jul. 10, 2015
Dapu Incident Hurt Magistrate Liu's Administrative Satisfaction
Pages: 183-195 Views: 4485 Downloads: 1216
[01] Edward K. Hwang, Dept. of Public Administration, Chung Hua University, Taiwan Public Opinion Study Association, Xinchu City, Taiwan.
The efficiency of public policies depends on customer's satisfaction, and the change directions of public policies hinge on customer's assessment; i.e., the performance of public policies in governments is decided by the citizen's administrative satisfaction! The governments in all levels must heave their efficiency and effectiveness of public services to meet the people's substantially multiple needs in order to make citizens trust the governmental operation styles. To pursue the societal equality and justice, governments should treat people equally and provide more services for the disadvantages. The recent Dapu protest incident involves Miaoli county Magistrate Liu cheng-hung who arbitrarily demolished houses and destroyed farmlands, and it shifts his popularity into disaffection. Liu case tells us that the political incidents are lethal to politicians; it cut almost 12% satisfaction degree for Magistrate Liu and hurt KMT support levels nationally. In terms of administrative satisfaction levels, political factors do matter, especially for the derogated incidents.
Miaoli County, Administrative Satisfaction, Dapu Incident
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