Chemistry Journal
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Chemistry Journal, Vol.1, No.4, Aug. 2015, Pub. Date: May 23, 2015
The Complex Approach to Corrosion Protection of Steel in Coke-Plant Cooling Systems
Pages: 124-132 Views: 4755 Downloads: 1273
[01] Olena Smilka, Water Supply, Sewerage and Water Purification Department of O. M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv, Ukraine.
The paper discussed a methods to reduce the corrosion velocity of metals when use wastewater in coke-plant cooling systems. Focus was appointed on use phenolic water with corresponding reduction in the consumption of fresh water at use corrosion protection inhibitors for byproduct-coking industry. The corrosive activity depends on water quality and the inhibitor’s efficiency. The wastewater using in the water-cooling systems influenced on corrosive activity of water and exchange equipment at metallurgical and coke plants. The influence of corrosion and nitrification inhibitors based on thiocyanates, silicates, and phosphates, as well as optimum concentration make-up water additives, on the corrosive activity of phenolic wastewater used to cool coke-oven gas was investigated. The investigated inhibitors make slow corrosion. The use of complex approach to corrosion protection with addition inhibitors decrease corrosion. Thus, by use phenolic wastewater from coke plants, the consumption of pure natural water may be reduced.
Carbon Steel, Phenolic Wastewater, Corrosion, Corrosion Inhibitors, Nitrification Inhibitors
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