Clinical Medicine Journal
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Clinical Medicine Journal, Vol.4, No.2, Jun. 2018, Pub. Date: Aug. 10, 2018
Influence of Sex Difference on Burden of Caregiving, Social Support and Quality of Life of Informal Caregivers of Patients with Cerebral Palsy
Pages: 15-21 Views: 1391 Downloads: 342
[01] Chidimma JenniferAhanotu, Department of Medical Rehabilitation, Faculty of Health Science and Technology, Nnamdi Azikiwe University Nnewi Campus, Nigeria.
[02] Peter Olarenwaju Ibikunle, Department of Medical Rehabilitation, Faculty of Health Science and Technology, Nnamdi Azikiwe University Nnewi Campus, Nigeria.
[03] Adebisi Isiak Hammed, Department of Physiotherapy, University of Benin Teaching Hospital, Benin City, Nigeria.
Study aim: The study investigated the influence of sex-difference on burden of caregiving, social support and quality of life of informal caregivers of patients with CP. Material and methods: The study adopted a cross-sectional survey research design. A total of 78 informal caregivers participated in this study. The quality of life was assessed using the World Health Organization Quality of Life Bref (WHOQOL-Bref). Also, social support was assessed using Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support (MSPSS). However, the level of burden of caring for CP patients on caregivers was estimated with the use of Caregivers Strain Index (CSI). Mann Whitney U-test was used to test for the influence of sex difference on the caregivers’ level of burden, social support and quality of life. The statistical significance was accepted for a p value of <0.05. Results: The outcome of this study showed that sex of the caregivers had substantial influence on the level of burden of caregiving and, physical, psychological, social and environmental domains of their quality of life. However, sex-difference of caregivers has no significance on their level of perceived social support. Conclusion: It was therefore concluded that sex-difference of informal caregivers of CP predicts the level of burden of caregiving and all domains of quality of life but cannot determine the level of perceived social support. It was thus recommended that World Health Organization Quality of Life Bref (WHOQOL-Bref), Caregivers Strain Index (CSI) and Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support (MSPSS) measures should be introduced into clinical practice. Also, the clinicians/clinical staff should be trained in using and interpreting the measures.
Gender, Caregiving, Social Support, Quality of Life and Cerebral Palsy
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