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International Journal of Biomedical and Clinical Sciences, Vol.2, No.1, Feb. 2017, Pub. Date: Oct. 23, 2017
Impact of an Educational Programme on Knowledge of Patients with Replaced Heart Valves on Long Term Warfarin Therapy
Pages: 5-11 Views: 1890 Downloads: 784
Mohammed Khalid Hussien, Nursing Department, Alghad Colleges for Applied Medical Sciences, Najran, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
Adam Ahmed Adam, Microbiology Department, Faculty of Medicine, Alneelain University, Khartoum, Sudan.
Background: Warfarin therapy poses a great challenge for the patient and the physician in striking a balance between bleeding and thrombosis when long term anticoagulation is decided. This drug has a narrow therapeutic range and bleeding or coagulation is an easily reached complication. Shared knowledge between the patient and the managing medical team can tip the balance towards a better control. Commonly the patient may not have the necessary information. This knowledge gap can be bridged by educating the patient through a well-structured educational programme. Objective. This study aimed to assess the impact of a structured educational programme on the knowledge of patients with replaced heart valves on long term warfarin anticoagulation therapy. Methods. The study was conducted in Ahmed Gasim Cardiac Centre in Khartoum North in Sudan. The participants were patients with replaced heart valves on warfarin anticoagulation therapy. The total number of patients attending the hospital during the study duration was 600 patients. The sample size enrolled in the study was 125 patients. The sampling method used was the non-probability convenience sampling. The participants’ knowledge about different aspects of warfarin as an anticoagulant was assessed before and after implementation of a structured education programme about warfarin anticoagulation therapy. Results. The participants’ knowledge about the indication of warfarin therapy, the drugs and diseases that affect warfarin action and compliance with the drug prescription improved significantly after implementation of the educational programme. Moreover, their knowledge about the normal results of INR, frequency of its routine measurement and signs of its abnormal results improved significantly. Conclusion. The educational programme had a statistically significant positive impact on the participants’ knowledge about warfarin coagulation therapy. Construction and implementation of relevant educational programmes can improve the managing strategy and its outcome.
Warfarin, Educational Programme, Ahmed Gasim
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