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International Journal of Biomedical and Clinical Sciences, Vol.2, No.2, May 2017, Pub. Date: Oct. 23, 2017
Association of Some Haemoglobin Variants with ABO and Rhesus D Antigen Phenotype in Kano Metropolis
Pages: 12-16 Views: 2303 Downloads: 881
Najib Isyaku Ali, Department of Medical Laboratory Science, Bayero University, Kano, Nigeria.
Garba Nura, Department of Medical Laboratory Science, Bayero University, Kano, Nigeria.
Haemoglobin (Hb) variants are mutant form of haemoglobin caused by genetic variations. Several researches revealed that some diseases are associated with some specific blood groups. The aim of this research was to determine the association between some haemoglobin variants and the ABO and Rhesus D antigen Phenotype in Kano Metropolis. A total of 120 participants with different haemoglobin variants were recruited in this study for the period of eight months, April through November, 2016. Forty (40) apparently healthy subjects who had normal haemoglobin AA were used as controls. Hb phenotype was confirmed by Hb electrophoresis at an alkaline PH. While ABO and Rhesus D antigen phenotypes were determined by tile and tube methods using antisera from Lorne Laboratories, UK. Blood group O was found to be higher in those with haemoglobin SS and SC, and blood group B was found to be higher in those with Hb AC. In Hb SS, blood group O (53.33%) predominates followed by A (18.33%), B (16.67%) and AB (11.67%). In Hb SC, blood group O (56.6%) predominates followed by group B (20%), AB (16.67%) and A (6.67%). But in Hb AC, blood group B (40%) predominates followed by O (30%), A (16.67%) and AB (13.33%). Statistically negative association was established between haemoglobin variants (Hb SS, Hb SC and Hb AC) and the ABO and Rhesus D antigen Phenotypes in this study. ABO and Rhesus D antigens may not be associated with the inheritance of haemoglobinSS, haemoglobinSC and haemoglobinAC.
Haemoglobin Variants, Kano Metropolis, ABO and Rhesus D Antigen
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