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International Journal of Biomedical and Clinical Sciences, Vol.3, No.1, Feb. 2018, Pub. Date: Feb. 5, 2018
Vitamin D Deficiency and Insufficiency among Adult’s Cohorts, Clinico-Epidemiological Profile and Associated Factors, an Approach to Clinical Audit
Pages: 12-16 Views: 2043 Downloads: 519
Hamid Yahya Husain, Primary Health Care / Dubai Health Authority, Dubai, UAE.
Zekeria Kareem, Primary Health Care / Dubai Health Authority, Dubai, UAE.
Waleed Al Faisal, Primary Health Care / Dubai Health Authority, Dubai, UAE.
Vitamin D deficiency is the most common nutritional deficiency worldwide in both children and adults which lead to increases the risk of many chronic diseases, including cancer, autoimmune diseases, type 2 diabetes, heart disease and hypertension, and infectious diseases, objective of the study is to study the prevalence of Vit D Insufficiency and Deficiency among Adult cohort in Dubai, to study the epidemiological profile and associated factors Methodology: a cross sectional study carried out on (80) Adult patient, age rage (15-70 y) randomly selected from Vitamin deficiency and insufficiency cohorts registered and attending primary health care facilities at Dubai health authority, full socioe demographic and clinical data has been collected through data collection interview questionnaire, patients follow up has been extended for up to one year in relation to lab investigation follow up, vitamin D therapy, health education, life style intervention and physical examination (operational definitions of variables, inclusion-exclusion criteria, scale of measurement and ethical considerations has been addressed properly throughout the research course: Results: The study showed that about 75% of the total participant showed vitamin D insufficiency and 25% of the total sample showed vitamin D deficiency means one third of abnormal vitamin D level was deficiency below (<10) and two third are between (10-30). The most affected age segment was the age class45-54 consist about 29% of the total sample and the least affected age group was 915-24 about (7%). The study showed that about 67.5% of the total sample with abnormal serum Vitamin D level was among females and 32.5% of them were males). Among affected females, the study revealed that about 28% were shown vitamin D insufficiency and 72% showed vitamin D Deficiency. About 91.25% of the abnormal serum Vitamin D level was shown to be UAE nationals and 9.75% were shown to be expatriate. Vitamin D deficiency was more among cohorts of BMI within range of (26-30) overweight group which showed about 53% followed by BMI (>30) obese group (37.75%) while it was the least among normal BMI cohorts about 21.25%. The study showed that only 22.5% of the total sample size was having a history of exposure to health education and awareness about the diseases.
Vit D, Deficiency, Patterns, Clinical Audit
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