International Journal of Biomedical and Clinical Sciences
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International Journal of Biomedical and Clinical Sciences, Vol.4, No.1, Mar. 2019, Pub. Date: Apr. 10, 2019
First Aid: Level of Knowledge of Relatives in Emergencies in Burn
Pages: 24-28 Views: 1810 Downloads: 807
[01] Mohammed Qtait, Hebron Government Hospital, Burn Unite, Ministry of Health, Hebron, Palestine.
[02] Khalid Alekel, Hebron Government Hospital, Burn Unite, Ministry of Health, Hebron, Palestine.
[03] Ayman Asfour, Hebron Government Hospital, Burn Unite, Ministry of Health, Hebron, Palestine.
First aid is the initial assistance or treatment given at the site of accident to someone who is injured or suddenly taken ill, before the arrival of ambulance. Objective: To assess the general knowledge, of relative for burn first aid, and to know the way of use to first aid for burns., and to evaluate the needs of society for program first aid Method: Prospective study, We undertook a prospective study of all patient who admitted to burn unite as Acute burn in Hebron government hospital from 1 august 2017 to 1 august 2018 with burns any percent. Result: A total of 150 participants comprising 23.3 males and 76.7 females with age of participant under 40 years were included. The majority (58%) were educated up to school or higher. most sours of information about first aid from doctors and nurses, the second source internet and TV and radio. most of participants mot take first aid course previously. 66% of participants use "cool running water in the first aid, 66.7% of participants not correct answer about Duration of cooling. 71% of participants answer incorrect answer how to deal with Scenario of fire burn wound, most of participants use Using traditional therapy for first aid, and Use toothpaste or tomato or other things. Conclusion: people need more training in the first aid especially in burn first aid is a simple, cheap, and accessible means of managing burns initially.
Knowledge, First-Aid, Burns
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