International Journal of Biomedical and Clinical Sciences
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International Journal of Biomedical and Clinical Sciences, Vol.4, No.2, Jun. 2019, Pub. Date: Jun. 11, 2019
The Effect of Aromatherapy on Sleep Quality Among Medical Students - A Randomized Controlled Trial
Pages: 39-47 Views: 1771 Downloads: 1060
[01] Ee Hui Yin, Faculty of Medicine, Melaka Manipal Medical College (MMMC), Melaka, Malaysia.
[02] Vishaalini Vesvanathan, Faculty of Medicine, Melaka Manipal Medical College (MMMC), Melaka, Malaysia.
[03] Raveena Rajalachimi, Faculty of Medicine, Melaka Manipal Medical College (MMMC), Melaka, Malaysia.
[04] Wu Jun Ming, Faculty of Medicine, Melaka Manipal Medical College (MMMC), Melaka, Malaysia.
[05] Asel Nimnaka Wimalasuriya, Faculty of Medicine, Melaka Manipal Medical College (MMMC), Melaka, Malaysia.
Aromatherapy inhalation has been proven to improve sleep quality and quantity, mostly in elderly and intensive care patients. Lavender oil (Lavandula angustifolia) has been reported to act on gamma aminobutyric acid (GABA) pathways, inhibiting binding at the GABA, a receptor channel with reversible inhibition of GABA-induced currents and an overall depressant effect on neurotransmission. This study was conducted to prove that aromatherapy inhalation, specifically lavender can improve sleep quality and quantity after a night of exposure, among medical students. A randomized controlled trial was conducted from August 2018 to September 2018. 50 participants were randomly assigned into 2 groups. 24 in control group and 26 in aromatherapy group. After dripping Lavender essential oil on the pillow of aromatherapy group, participants were given series of three questionnaires to test for sleep quality and quantity. Test scores of two groups were then compared and analysed using Epi Info™ 7th version. Subjective data (self-administered questionnaire) showed increased mean score in perceived sleep duration, sleep depth, latency, returning to sleep, awakening from sleep and sleep quality in intervention group. Aromatherapy increased clinical sleep duration, sleep depth, latency, returning to sleep, awakening from sleep and sleep quality. There is no significant effect in overnight usage of aromatherapy. Adverse effects such as disrupted sleep, headache and stuffiness of nose were reported by a minority of participants.
Aromatherapy, Sleep, Students
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