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International Journal of Biomedical and Clinical Sciences, Vol.4, No.2, Jun. 2019, Pub. Date: Jun. 24, 2019
Evaluation of Wound Healing Properties of Nigerian Archacatina marginata mucin and Its Combination with Honey in Wistar Rats
Pages: 53-68 Views: 1619 Downloads: 377
Ifedilichukwu Nma Helen, Department of Medical Biotechnology, National Biotechnology Development Agency, Abuja, Nigeria.
Okafor Chike Samuel, Department of Applied Biochemistry, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka, Nigeria.
Nwosu Onyeka Kingsley, National Biosafety Management Agency, Abuja, Nigeria.
Ezeigwe Obiajulu Christain, Department of Applied Biochemistry, Enugu State University of Science and Technology, Enugu, Nigeria.
The widespread existence of unhealed wounds has had a great impact on public health and economy especially in developing countries with high indices of mortality and morbidity rates associated with wound due to poor health care delivery system. This study evaluated the wound healing properties of snail mucin and snail mucin-honey (M-H) formulations in different ratios (50:50, 70:30 and 30:70) on excision wound model in wistar rats. Thirty rats of both sexes, grouped into six, were used for the study. Physico-chemical analysis of the honey was performed and the mineral contents of honey, snail mucin and M-H were also analysed. The anti-microbial properties of the samples were also investigated using four organisms, (S. aureus, E.coli, P.aureginosa and P. mirabili) isolated from wounds. The antioxidant properties of mucin and M-H were also analysed. The results of the analysis showed that the pH and viscosity of honey were 4.46 ± 0.10 and 4.89 ± 0.10 pas/sec respectively while its peroxidase and glucose oxidase were 1.20% ± 0.10 and 4301.00 ± 0.10mg/dl respectively. There was significant increase of K level and low level of Se in M-H formulation compared to mucin only. Vitamin A, E and C contents were found to be appreciably higher in honey than in mucin. The activities of SOD inhibition, catalase and glutathione peroxidase were significantly higher in M-H formulation compared to mucin only. There was an increased E. col susceptibility to M-H formulations (70:30 and 50:50) compared to the control drug (0.5% Amoxicillin) and also an increased P. mirabilis susceptibility to M-H formulation (30:70) compared to the control drug (untreated group). The significant increases in S. aureus and P.aureginosa susceptibilities to the control drug compared to other samples were observed. As from the ninth day of the study, there was significant reductions in the wound areas of the treatment groups especially in M-H formulations (50:50 and 70:30) compared to negative control group. Although mucin only showed greater capacity for wound healing compared to negative control, results showed that M-H formulations especially 70:30 (group E) had better wound healing capacity compared to mucin only, and even the positive control. By nineteenth day of treatment, complete healing was observed in M-H formulations (50:50 and 70:30). Honey in combination with mucin should be harnessed in pharmaceutical formulations for the treatment of wounds in right combination to aid wound healing, prevent bacterial infection, scar formation and promote regeneration of hair follicles.
Archacatina Maginata, Snail Mucin, Honey, Excision Wound, Antimicrobial
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