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International Journal of Biomedical and Clinical Sciences, Vol.4, No.4, Dec. 2019, Pub. Date: Nov. 28, 2019
Health Care Provider’s Satisfaction Toward Implementing Electronic Medical Record “Salama” at Rashid Hospital, Dubai Health Authority
Pages: 113-120 Views: 1697 Downloads: 503
Amal Rawhi Alabed, Nursing Department, Rashid Hospital, Dubai Health Authority, Dubai, UAE.
Susan Kuriakose, Nursing Department, Rashid Hospital, Dubai Health Authority, Dubai, UAE.
Walid Mohd Mahmood, Nursing Department, Rashid Hospital, Dubai Health Authority, Dubai, UAE.
Hamid Y Hussain, Primary Health Care, Dubai Health Authority, Dubai, UAE.
Arwa Al Shujairi, SharjahUnversity, College of Health Science, Nursing, Sharjah, UAE.
Nabeel Al Yateem, SharjahUnversity, College of Health Science, Nursing, Sharjah, UAE.
Background: Electronic Medical Records (EMR) are computerized medical information systems that collect, store and display patient information. EMR allows medical practices to replace traditional patient charts with computerized system. The EMR system stores physicians' notes, x-rays, prescriptions, and other medical information in electronic format rather than paper files thus make searching for, retrieving, and sharing patient data easier and more efficient. Objective: To measure satisfaction level among electronic medical records system users. Methodology: This study was carried out in the Rashid hospital, Dubai Health Authority (DHA), United Arab Emirates in October 2017. It is a cross-sectional, descriptive study. A Convenience sample was selected to participate in this study. Results: The sample consisted of 772 participants. The vast majority were from nurses 660 (85.5%), physicians 30 (7.8%), clinical support 21 (2.7%), and administrative staff 31 (4%). The satisfaction was measured on numerical scale from 0 – 10. The majority revealed 35% satisfaction, 27.10% and 12.50% scored 10 out of 10. The minority reflect satisfaction less the 5%. For overall satisfaction of the Salama software, nurses (8.8) were significantly more satisfied that other hospital staff (8.0) (p<.000). Overall satisfaction levels of Salama were significantly higher in those below the age of 30 (8.9) versus those above the age of 30 (8.6) (p=.004). Conclusion: The overall satisfaction trend shows that hospital is favorable with the implementations of Salama systems within hospital. As noticed from the result that the nurses are more satisfied compared to the other discipline. In addition the staff whom under 30 more satisfied than whom more than 30 years. The significant difference in satisfaction among age ranges and roles in the Rashid hospital is both of concern moving forward with the implementation of the future integrated EMR, continuous training and support are going to really need to supplement success of Salama.
Satisfaction, Electronic Health Record, EMR, Salama, Patient Safety
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