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International Journal of Biomedical and Clinical Sciences, Vol.4, No.3, Sep. 2019, Pub. Date: Sep. 6, 2019
Effect of Rotating Shift on Sleep Quality, Among Nurses Work in Non-Government Hospital
Pages: 72-79 Views: 1678 Downloads: 622
Murad Adam, Department of Nursing, Faculty of Health Profession, Al Quds University, Al Quds, Palestine.
Wisam Adam, Department of Nursing, Faculty of Health Profession, Al Quds University, Al Quds, Palestine.
Maysaa Qafeshah, Department of Nursing, Faculty of Health Profession, Al Quds University, Al Quds, Palestine.
Beesan Meshaal, Department of Nursing, Faculty of Health Profession, Al Quds University, Al Quds, Palestine.
Iman Johr, Department of Nursing, Faculty of Health Profession, Al Quds University, Al Quds, Palestine.
Background: Nurses as a group of health personnel engage in shift work, and the nature of their work demands a 24-hour duty. Sleep quality directly influences mental and physical acts of human. This shift has been identified by Gordon and Henifin (1980) as stressful and may lead to psychological effects. Objective: to assess the effect of sleep quality of night shift among nurses in hospitals in the Palestine. Methods: this study utilized quantitative approach. Result: The paper is a cross sectional study among 152 nurses and correlates to demographics. Totally 66 (43%) men and 88 (57%) women participated. All of them had nursing education degree and had work experience. We found the prevalence of poor sleep quality as high as 87.8% and total mean score of the Persian version of Pittsburg’s Sleep Questionnaire Index (PSQI-P) calculated 8.31 in the study. shift-work nurses was delay in sleeping initiation, Wake up in the middle of the night or early, and cannot get to sleep within 30 minutes. We did not find any significant relation between sleep disorders and gender, age, years of nursing and hospital. Although, inadequate sleep quality is a worldwide problem, but the wide difference between subjective findings of nurses and those of the general population is very significant. Conclusion: There was a high prevalence of poor sleep quality. This was persistent despite few nurses working in rotating shifts or shifts with short recovery time. The study recommended Policies that reduce long of shift work: These could include reducing the number of hours of the night shift, increasing the rest time between shifts, providing adequate meal times, and providing a fair distribution of weekend and holiday work.
Nurses, Shift Work, Sleep Quality
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