International Journal of Biomedical and Clinical Sciences
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International Journal of Biomedical and Clinical Sciences, Vol.5, No.3, Sep. 2020, Pub. Date: Jun. 18, 2020
Cross Sectional Study on the Knowledge, Attitude, and Awareness of Biomedical Waste Management Among Medical Students
Pages: 131-140 Views: 1644 Downloads: 554
[01] Isurini Nadara Sahani Medaduwage, Faculty of Medicine, Melaka Manipal Medical College (MMMC), Melaka, Malaysia.
[02] Roshini Jeya Seelan, Faculty of Medicine, Melaka Manipal Medical College (MMMC), Melaka, Malaysia.
[03] Iman Ishamee Binti Nor Azman, Faculty of Medicine, Melaka Manipal Medical College (MMMC), Melaka, Malaysia.
[04] Muhammad Annuar Ad’ha Bin Abdul Rahman, Faculty of Medicine, Melaka Manipal Medical College (MMMC), Melaka, Malaysia.
A good knowledge, attitude, and awareness of biomedical waste management among medical students is very important since inappropriate disposal of waste can lead to transmit many communicable diseases and cause environmental pollution. This study aimed to determine the knowledge, attitude and awareness of management among medical students in Melaka Manipal Medical College. We collected data of 217 medical students in semester 6 and 7 in Melaka Manipal Medical College by distributing a questionnaire on knowledge, awareness and attitude of biomedical waste management. Data was analysed using the chi-square test. Among the participants 55.3% of medical students had good knowledge and 44.7% of them needed to improve their knowledge on biomedical waste management. 70.5% of medical students had a good attitude and 29.5% of participants needed to improve their attitude on biomedical waste management. There was no significant association between age, gender, ethnicity, semester and knowledge and attitudes towards biomedical waste management. However, students that attended class on biomedical waste management in India were 2.73 times more likely to have a good attitude compared to those who did not attend the class (P value 0.029). Also, Chinese ethnicity are 2.42 more likely to have a good attitude compared to the other ethnicities (P value 0.047). Most of the students had good knowledge and the majority of them had good attitudes towards biomedical waste management. The students who attended class on biomedical waste management had better attitudes compared to those who never attended. Therefore more classes should be conducted for biomedical waste management.
Knowledge, Attitude, Medical Students, Biomedical Waste
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