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International Journal of Biomedical and Clinical Sciences, Vol.6, No.1, Mar. 2021, Pub. Date: Jan. 11, 2021
Ultrasound Image Segmentation of Uterine Adenomyoma Based on Deeplab
Pages: 20-26 Views: 1320 Downloads: 406
Shijie Xing, School of Information Engineering, China University of Geosciences (Beijing), Beijing, China.
Qiaodan Zhang, Beijing Kwai Technology Co., Ltd, Beijing, China.
Mingying Zhang, School of Information Engineering, China University of Geosciences (Beijing), Beijing, China.
Mei Li, School of Information Engineering, China University of Geosciences (Beijing), Beijing, China.
Uterine adenomyoma is a common disease in women. Its symptoms and pain have seriously troubled the physical and mental health of contemporary women. Because of the advantages of no damage to the body and low cost, so ultrasound is usually used to obtain the medical image of adenomyoma in medicine. Uterine adenomyoma is different from human epidermal diseases. The boundary of the image obtained by ultrasound is not clear and the interference is large. Moreover, due to the influence of noise and artifact of ultrasound image, image segmentation is difficult, and the clinical diagnosis results are lack of reliability. In order to solve the above problems, this paper preprocesses the obtained ultrasound images, then constructs the ultrasound image data set, sets the network parameters, inputs the ultrasound images into the deeplab model network for training, and finally optimizes the edge details of the lesions through the hole convolution algorithm and the full connection conditional random field, and uses the average intersection ratio and pixel accuracy as the evaluation criteria for semantic segmentation. In order to ensure the accuracy of the test data and the superiority of the algorithm. And constantly optimize the network training to achieve the fine segmentation of the lesion area. The accuracy and feasibility of the model in medical image segmentation are demonstrated by experiments, which fills the blank of deep learning in this application field.
Adenomyoma, Ultrasound Image, Deeplab Model, Hole Convolution Algorithm, Deep Learning
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