International Journal of Biomedical and Clinical Sciences
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International Journal of Biomedical and Clinical Sciences, Vol.7, No.1, Mar. 2022, Pub. Date: Jan. 24, 2022
Assessment of Stress Related-Work During COVID-19 Pandemic Among Registered Nurses’ by Using Standardized Tool: Across-Sectional Study
Pages: 1-8 Views: 3154 Downloads: 917
[01] Iman Ateeq, Dubai Hospital, Dubai, United Arab Emirate.
[02] Fouad Chehab, Dubai Hospital, Dubai, United Arab Emirate.
[03] Nezar Ahmed Salim, Dubai Hospital, Dubai, United Arab Emirate.
Introduction: The nurse’s role has long been regarded as stress filled based upon the physical labor, human suffering, work hours, staffing, and interpersonal relationships that are central to the work nurses do. Nursing staff is exposed to stress factors high physical and psycho-social workload. Purpose: the goal of the study is to assess the stress among nurses across DHA Hospital in United Arab Emirates during the pandemic of COVID-19. The secondary objective of this study is to associate the demographical data with survey outcome. Methodology: This is a quantitative, cross-sectional, correlational study took place across DHA hospitals (Dubai, Rashid, Latifa, Hatta and PHC), United Arab Emirates between the periods October 2020 till December 2020. A convenience sampling technique was used for the purposes of this study. Results: The present study consisted of 774 participants. The results showed that nurses did not find time to spend with their friends due to the workload p-value 0.023. The workload of nurses who working in COVID-19 has increased compared to staff who working in regular units p-value 0.004. Also, there was significant result in items “Are the goals for your workplace clear?”, p-value .014. Conclusion: The present study found that the staff nurses experience high level of stress in different dimensions. The result reflect that the nurses do not have enough time for their socialization like to visit their friends and relative. Moreover, the stress level among nurses during the pandemic of COVID-19 is higher compared other units. Despite the workload during the pandemic of COVID-19, still the staff were able to finish their assignment and have the possibility to influence decisions at work. Staff reported difficulty sleeping because they are thinking in work. Recommendation: This study provided a comprehensive and in-depth understanding of the stress related work experience of nurses’ dealing with patients with COVID-19. Self-coping style and psychological growth are important for nurses to maintain mental health. This study provided fundamental data for further psychological intervention.
Work-related Stress, Work Stress Questionnaire, COVID-19, United Arab Emirates
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