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International Journal of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science, Vol.1, No.2, Nov. 2016, Pub. Date: Oct. 19, 2016
Analysis Recloser as Reader Flow Disturbances in SUTM 20KV Feeders Tambak Wedi (Electricity Company) UPJ Kenjeran
Pages: 65-69 Views: 3603 Downloads: 931
Efrita Arfah Zuliari, Electrical Engineering Department, Institut Teknologi Adhi Tama Surabaya, Indonesia.
Karyono, Electrical Engineering Department, Institut Teknologi Adhi Tama Surabaya, Indonesia.
The distribution network of 20 kV feeders Tambak Wedi (Electricity Company) Network Services Unit (UPJ) Kenjeran, a channel 3 phase, form a network is voltage loop with the operation of 20 kV with a channel length of 25.40 Kilo Meter Circuit (KMS). Risk channels is their momentary interruption caused by kites, trees, rain, high winds, damage to equipment, planned outages and other causes. Disorders overcurrent, short circuit current phase and short circuit to ground are the dominant common. Anticipation is best to install equipment overcurrent protection or short circuit in the Medium Voltage Air Channel (SUTM) or so-called Recloser, because Recloser able to secure a momentary fault current is equal to 2986.2687 Ampere. Disruption phase and voltage can be reentered if considered a nuisance is not permanent as well as narrowing blackout radius. In the end consumers of electricity users will comfortably enjoy the presence of continuous electricity.
Recloser, Current Readers, Disorders, Network 20 KV
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