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International Journal of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science, Vol.2, No.2, May 2017, Pub. Date: Sep. 18, 2017
A Novel Design of Microstrip Diplexer Using Meander-Line Resonators
Pages: 5-10 Views: 2205 Downloads: 1585
Abdessamed Chinig, Microwave Group, Faculty of Sciences and Techniques, Hassan 1st University, Settat, Morocco.
In this paper, a compact microstrip diplexer is proposed for Wimax and DCS applications at 2.5 GHz and 1710-1880 MHz respectively. The microstrip diplexer consists of two band-pass filters operating at different frequency bands and a coupled-junction. Each filter is formed by a meander-line resonator and two Input/Output feed lines. The frequency response of each filter can be easily controlled by modifying the dimensions of the meander-line resonators. ADS and CST-MWS solvers have been used to characterize the response of the diplexer. Good electrical performances are obtained after an optimization of the proposed circuit. The microstrip diplexer presents an insertion loss of 2.3 dB a return loss of 30 dB and an isolation between the two filters better than 22 dB for an overall size of 25×32 mm2.
Band-Pass Filter, Diplexer, Meander-Line Resonators, Microstrip, Isolation
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