International Journal of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science
Articles Information
International Journal of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science, Vol.3, No.3, Sep. 2018, Pub. Date: Aug. 6, 2018
Agile Methodologies: Useful Approaches for Software Process Improvements over Traditional Methodologies
Pages: 39-48 Views: 1939 Downloads: 540
[01] Naseer Ahmad, Department of Computer Science, Virtual University of Pakistan, Lahore, Pakistan.
Now a days the business market is going to be extremely energetic, and organizations regularly transforming their software requirements in order to be compatible with existing business market. These organizations also give order to the software development teams for rapid delivery of software products in order to fulfil their requirements. The traditional software developments methodologies fail in order to meet these demands of particular organizations or customers. However, traditional developments approaches such as water fall model, spiral model, V model, or object oriented approaches, carry on to control the development of systems a small number of decades and a lot of effort has been done to enhance these traditional methodologies, Agile software development methodology carry its individual set of narrative tests that should be managed to convince the customer or an organization that put order for a particular software product through before time and consistent delivery of the valuable software product. In this paper, we illustrate the main facts and features of agile software development methodology that enhances the development process of software product to fulfil the quick changes of software product in the business market.
Agile, Traditional, XP, Scrum, Methodology
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