International Journal of Education and Information Technology
Articles Information
International Journal of Education and Information Technology, Vol.1, No.3, Aug. 2015, Pub. Date: Jul. 16, 2015
Prospects and Challenges of E-Books in School Media Services in Nigeria: The Way Forward
Pages: 92-98 Views: 3978 Downloads: 2368
[01] Japheth Abdulazeez Yaya, J. C. Pool Library, Nigerian Baptist Theological Seminary, Ogbomoso, Oyo State, Nigeria.
This paper discusses the prospects and the challenges of e-books in school media services in Nigeria and a particular emphasis on the way forward. It is generally observed that the roles and contributions of School Library otherwise known as School Media Resources to the educational development of our young minds cannot be overemphasized especially when one considers the functions of a library within the school system. Hence, this paper shows how the application of e-books could enrich the library services and thereby enhance the academic performance of students in Nigerian institutions of lower learning (secondary and primary schools). Besides, it discusses some problems that the author perceives could affect the application of e-books in the school media services. The author concludes the paper with some recommendations that could serve as a way forward to those challenges bedevilling the effective performance of the school media services in Nigerian schools.
E-Books, School Media, Library Services, Library Resources, E-Books Prospects, E-Books Challenges
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