International Journal of Education and Information Technology
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International Journal of Education and Information Technology, Vol.2, No.2, Apr. 2016, Pub. Date: Mar. 18, 2016
Laboratory Educational Authority Website Development
Pages: 8-13 Views: 2626 Downloads: 1295
[01] Izak B. Dimenstein, Loyola University Chicago Medical Center (Ret.), Grand Rapids, MI, USA.
The article presents ways by which an authority site can be developed and maintained as a reputed source of specific, including educational, digital information. For the Internet sustainability of a laboratory educational authority website, the search engines' work should be taken into account in the entire website's framework design in general, as well as its webpages in particular. While the informative value of the site is paramount, the strategic use of keywords, even phases on the pages can enhance the visibility. Fragmentation of the material on pages is beneficial. The composition of the website can use hyperlinks to draw attention to previous posts. The article is based on our more than a decade expertise of maintaining the” Grossing Technology in Surgical Pathology” ( website. The methodology of building a specialized authority website can be expended to further development of educational websites, including website’s aggregation in portals. The principles of the development a sustainable laboratory niche website are discussed in the article “Development of a Laboratory Niche Website” published in Annals of Diagnostic Pathology in 2013. The current article is a continuation of it. There has been no similar work in the accessible literature.
Authority Website, Niche Website, Search Engine Optimization, Web Crawlers
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