Articles Information
International Journal of Education and Information Technology, Vol.2, No.4, Aug. 2016, Pub. Date: Aug. 5, 2016
The Use of Internet by Information Professionals: A Competitive Intelligence Approach
Pages: 19-27 Views: 4746 Downloads: 1808
Chioma Euriel Uzohue, Nigerian Institute of Medical Research, Yaba, Nigeria.
Japheth Abdulazeez Yaya, Nigerian Baptist Theological Seminary, Ogbomoso, Nigeria.
This paper examines the use of internet by information professionals in a competitive intelligence approach thereby producing and disseminating active information for tactical and top executive managers for decision making. The Internet which is part of information technologies is often used in competitive intelligence processes as a tool in gathering and analyzing raw information that will produce intelligence to give the organizations, libraries and other information centre a competitive advantage over the others. The paper aims to provide an overview of how the internet can be used by information professionals using competitive intelligence approach to support decision makers in various levels of managers in an organization. It focuses on the use of internet as a tool in supporting intelligence gathering using competitive intelligence approach and sources, involvement of information professionals using competitive intelligence in gathering, documenting, storing and retrieval systems. The paper further discusses the use of internet by information professional to produce raw information in intelligence activities. Emphasis was paid to the use of internet to support intelligence activities, the role and value of internet, the sources and search engines used by the information professionals, the role of information professionals in competitive intelligence processes. It concludes by emphasizing that Information professionals remained relevant to the organizations and with competitive intelligence skills acquired, they can adopt a creative and unique method of retrieving information from the internet and use such to promote the image of their organization as well achieve its stated goals.
Internet, Information Professionals, Competitive Intelligence, Library and Information Sciences, Knowledge Management and Information Retrieval
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