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International Journal of Education and Information Technology, Vol.3, No.2, Jun. 2018, Pub. Date: Jun. 6, 2018
Cost-Saving and Internally Generated Revenue in Tertiary Educational Institutions: The Role of Cloud Computing
Pages: 7-16 Views: 1772 Downloads: 1893
Orobor Anderson Ise, Information and Communication Technology Department, Federal University of Petroleum Resources, Effurun, Nigeria.
Orobor Helen Elohor, Management Information System Department, College of Education, Warri, Nigeria.
Dwindled funding of public tertiary educational institutions in Nigeria is a clear indication that it cannot be solely funded by government. In response to this, tertiary educational institutions have embarked on several Internally Generated Revenue (IGR) activities. This paper therefore, provides an insight for educational administrators who either seek cost-saving measures in their institution operations or sought for alternative technological innovative IGR strategies not constrained by time and geographical location, without compromising quality service delivery and institutional goals. The paper revalidate using several literatures, the role of Cloud Computing (CC) in realizing cost-saving and revenue generation which is an untapped paradigm that could be leveraged by educational institutions in Nigeria.
Cloud Computing, Internally Generated Revenue, Nigeria Tertiary Educational Institution, Cost- Saving Measures
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