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International Journal of Education and Information Technology, Vol.3, No.3, Sep. 2018, Pub. Date: Aug. 31, 2018
Evaluation of Blended Computer Based Learning on the Performance of Students in Pre-Technical Skills in the Junior High Schools in Ghana
Pages: 60-72 Views: 1668 Downloads: 493
Kingsley Okyere, Department of Mathematics and Information and Communication Technology, Enchi College of Education, Enchi, Ghana.
Osei Kojo Agyeman, Department of Mathematics and Information and Communication Technology, Komenda College of Education, Komenda, Ghana.
Frank Enu-Kwesi, Department of Mathematics and Information and Communication Technology, Enchi College of Education, Enchi, Ghana.
Evaluation of blended computer based learning on the performance of students in Pre-Technical Skills is essential in today’s technological advancement. The study was conducted in the Bibiani district of the Western region. Probability sampling method (stratified and simple random sampling techniques) was used for the study. The population was made up of first year students of Central African Gold (CAG) Junior High School and Presby Junior High School. Both Schools took a Pre-test, the results of the pre-test assisted in grouping the schools into two. Central African Gold (CAG) Junior High School was selected as the Control group and Presby Junior High School as the experimental group. The experimental group was used together with traditional methods of teaching and computer software designed for the relevant topics. The statistical method used to analyse data for the study was independent-sample t-test. The level of significant chosen was 0.05. The “t” value found in the analysis of the difference between means was used to determine whether the null hypotheses concerning differences between post-test scores, and differences between the scores while controlling for pre-test scores, were to be accepted or rejected. The study revealed that students who used the blended computer based learning method performed better than those who were taught by the traditional method of instruction. It is recommended that the Ghana Education Service should offer in-service training in computer applications to teachers in our basic institutions. This will go a long way to equip them with the skills needed to design learning software in their various subjects such as that which was used in this research.
Pre-Technical Skills, Computer Based Earning, Blended Computer Based Learning, Evaluation, Junior High Schools
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