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International Journal of Education and Information Technology, Vol.1, No.1, Apr. 2015, Pub. Date: Mar. 31, 2015
Examining Students’ Perception & Efficacy of Using Technology in Teaching English
Pages: 11-19 Views: 3445 Downloads: 8094
Hussain Ahmed Liton, English Language Centre, Jazan University, Jazan, Saudi Arabia.
The widespread growing ubiquity of media technology has heightened the remarkable changes in higher education over a period of time. Successful technology-mediated teaching-learning has already created new trends and impact on students’ learning motivation and on emerging new models of pedagogy. Technology in education has accelerated and promoted students’ 21st century literacy skills related to workplace needs. Behind such promising perspective, this paper attempts to examine students’ perception and efficacy of technology application in English language teaching-learning practices in the real classroom situation in the tertiary level. To this end, this study investigates students’ real perception and efficacy of technology-mediated language classroom through survey questionnaire and observation. The data were collected through questionnaire from a total of 33 EFL students from some renowned universities of Asia. The research findings revealed that the students are immersed in the learning process actively and enthusiastically but many don’t know how to integrate technologies into their learning process. It, therefore, suggests that technology-facilitated EFL text curriculum needs to be proposed and teacher trainers should arrange training for EFL students on how to integrate technology into their learning practices. The study also recommended that classroom should be equipped with the cutting-edge technologies that impact on students’ success in a technology-driven learning situation. In addition, it underlines emerging new trends of pedagogies and ‘new learning spaces’ to facilitate learners’ needs as citizens in an increasingly globalized and digitalized world.
Digital Literacy, Asynchronous/ Synchronous, Digital Natives, Learners’ Autonomy, Using Technology to Enhance Learning
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