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International Journal of Education and Information Technology, Vol.1, No.2, Jun. 2015, Pub. Date: Apr. 22, 2015
A Study on the Effectiveness of Flipped Teaching in College Math Classroom
Pages: 29-33 Views: 5007 Downloads: 3195
Mohammad Shafique, School of Continuing Education, Centennial College, Toronto ON, Canada.
Heather Irwin-Robinson, School of Continuing Education, Centennial College, Toronto ON, Canada.
The purpose of this work is to study how to teach mathematical skills and to determine what effectiveness of flipped teaching in College math classroom for student’s achievement in the course. Many researchers are involved in their research work reporting about flip classroom by using different pedagogical approaches. In this work, the effectiveness of flipped Math classroom has been studied by carrying out two types of student surveys and analyzed by using basic statistical tools. The data has been collected on a small scale to analyze the opinion of the students and examined statistically. The results are in good agreement and given in tabular as well as in graphical form. The conclusion and suggestion for work have been given as well.
Flipped Teaching, College Math Classroom, Surveys, Basic Statistical Tools
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