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International Journal of Education and Information Technology, Vol.1, No.3, Aug. 2015, Pub. Date: Jul. 10, 2015
Opinion on the Higher Education of Private Universities in Bangladesh
Pages: 80-86 Views: 3982 Downloads: 2522
Md. Addur Rouf, Department of Business Administration, City University, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Md. Habibulah, Department of Political Science, North Bengal International University, Rajshahi, Bangladesh.
Md. Ariful Islam, Department of Business Administration, UITS, Rajshahi, Bangladesh.
The main purpose of this paper is to find out the level of quality of higher education of the private university in Bangladesh. To explore the subject matter of this study, considering the research questions and objectives, both the qualitative and quantitative methods of data collection have been used. To find out the answers of the research questions survey has been conducted with questions for students, officers and faculty members in 20 private universities in Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh. After collecting data and information and analyzing, researchers have found that the level of quality of education of all these universities is not same. It differs on the ground of their different size, location, stuffs, courses, funding authority, service rule, financial and managerial capacity etc. Only a few universities are providing the level of quality education but rests of them are not quality concerned, Most of them are depending on part time teachers, poor infrastructures, without service rules etc. In the same time, researchers have found that respondent’ satisfaction level is very low on campus, lab and library facilities, though a few universities are trying to ensure standard classroom facility and library facilities. At last, based on findings, researchers have offered some suggestions that can be taken into consideration in policy level.
Private University, UGC, Quality Education, Faculty Member, Officer, Student, Bangladesh
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